

Weirs Beach Post Office


Here are photos of the Weirs Beach post office, at its 350 Lakeside Avenue location. This was a small, one-story, free-standing building that held only the post office. The station officially opened in this location on April 27-28, 1946, where it remained until 1989. In 1989, the Post Office relocated to its current, 28-36 Endicott St. East location, where it is the end cap to a a large, multi-store structure.

A 1946 photo. The sign reads “Post Office – The Weirs, N.H. – Station of Laconia”.

Another photo of the 1946-1989 post office showing boys and bicycles.


The post office relocated to the Winnipesaukee Pier after the Great Weirs Beach Fire of 1924. The fire had burned down its previous home on Lakeside Avenue, where it had been located inside of Tarlson’s General Store. Below is a 1925 photo by R. Wright of the post office when it was located on the Winnipesaukee Pier. It is the first building on the left, and it features the same sign as seen in the above photo. Following the post office, from left to right, the other signs read as follows: Avery’s Ice Cream Store/Cigars, Morgan Picture Service/Kodak, Butter Kist Corn/Roasted Peanuts, Luncheon Spa.

The earliest photos of the Winnipesaukee Pier, dating from 1925. The public bandstand, built in 1926, is not seen.


A photo of the post office when it was located inside of Tarlson’s store.

The general store part of the post office.

Details from the Sanborn Fire Insurance maps for 1902, 1911, and 1923 showing the location of the “P.O.” on Lakeside Avenue. Shown in chronological order. 

The first, 1902 map detail shows the dance hall, general store & P.O., barbershop, market, restaurant, and confectionary (candy store).

The second, 1911 map detail shows, along Lakeside Avenue, “Wonderland”, the general store and P.O., barbershop, souvenir shop, restaurant, and confectionary (candy store); while along Tower Street, the Music Hall and Methodist Church are shown.

The third, 1923 map detail shows that the building originally the Dance Hall, and then “Wonderland”, was now a pool parlor and shooting gallery; the restaurant was now a Casino, the P.O. had moved from the general store to become part of the Casino; and the Music Hall now offered movies and dancing.

Before 1902

Before 1902, the post office was located in the Old Red House, a general store located next to the Weirs Channel bridge, as can be seen on an 1860 map of the Weirs Steamboat Landing.