

1923 NHVA Map

Notes: 1) Greene Avenue was named after Dr. J. Alonzo Greene, a Vice-President of the NHVA. Later on, the street was renamed New Hampshire Avenue, its current name. 2) The building marked “Headquarters” between the 15th and 14th Regiment buildings was the home of the National Veteran’s Association of NH. This group consisted of veterans who did not serve in any of the NH Regiments during the Civil War, perhaps because they moved to NH after the War. 3) The 6th&9th Regiment building was marked on the map incorrectly. This building was the 9th&11th Regiment building. 4) The building marked “Regimental Quarters” beneath the Lowell building was the home of the 5th Regiment. 5) The building marked “Regimental Quarters” directly across Veterans Avenue from the 15th Regiment building was the home of the 16th Regiment. 6) Above the 16th Regiment, the building marked “Convention Hall” had been marked as a “Dance Pavilion” on the 1902 and 1911 Sanborn maps.7) Below the 16th Regiment, there is another building marked “Regimental Quarters”, but it is unknown which Regiment it referred to. This building was not on the 1902 or 1911 maps.