The Shore Path
The Shore Path was a walkway along the eastern, Lake Winnipesaukee edge of the Methodist Campground. It followed the shoreline around Doe Point, from today’s Winnipesaukee Pier to the Akwa Marina. For the most part, the pathway no longer exists, as private lakefront property homeowners have closed off access over the years.
Various postcard views of the Shore Path. The first card called the path the “Sore” Path and mis-spelled the “Wiers”. The card shows a family gathered at their house on the Weirs waterfront, but does not show the actual path.
The following postcards show the entrance to the Shore Path. All of the postcards and photos of the Shore Path on this webpage (except the one indicated) are looking in the same, northward direction.
Ladies fishing, along the Shore Path. Brickyard Mountain is seen descending down to the lake in the background of the photo.
Old Man of Eagle Island
One of the unique attractions in Weirs Bay was located on Eagle Island. It was a rock that resembled an old Indian chief. Eagle Island is located close to Governor’s Island. There is a narrow channel between the two islands used by boats leaving or entering Weirs Bay. There is now a house on the privately-owned island.