

Dr. J. Alonzo Greene (J.A. Greene)

Late 1890s photos of the Hotel Weirs and its personnel. A young Dr. Greene is the gentleman on the far right of both photos. The first photo has been colorized. The colorized photo is ©2023 and may not be used without permission.

During its 44 years of existence, the New Hotel Weirs was owned for the longest period of time by Dr. J. Alonzo Greene (J.A. Greene) (1845-1917). It was under his ownership that the hotel was greatly expanded to become the grandest hotel in Weirs Beach. Dr. Greene was a fascinating character who served as Mayor of Laconia from 1901-1903. He also served as the President of the NHVA in 1897. Below are various biographical articles concerning Dr. Greene.

From New Hampshire Men, published in 1893 in Concord, NH:

Below is Dr. Greene’s February, 1917 obituary. His gravestone, located at Laconia’s Bayside Cemetery, can be seen online here.

Here is a long and interesting article about Dr. Greene. It was published in the January, 1896 edition of New Hampshire’s Granite Monthly magazine.

Besides Dr. Greene’s ownership of the New Hotel Weirs, Greeene’s ownership of the Roxmont Poultry Farm on Long Island was his other principal land holding. Below are selected pages of a brochure from the farm. For more about the Roxmont Poultry Farm, click here. The farm operated from 1889-1896. It was then converted to the Winnipesaukee Inn, and in 1919, to the Geneva Point Center. Scroll down for photos of the Winnipesaukee Inn.

An 1899 letter from Dr. Greene, written on letterhead of the Roxmont farm, asking for support for the nomination of the Republican party for the election to NH’s First Congressional District. Greene’s effort to secure the Republican nomination was unsuccesful.

The Winnipesaukee Inn

The Winnepesaukee Inn and Cottages.

The Winnipesaukee Inn, 1960s.

The Winnipesaukee Inn, 1970s. On the third floor, the middle window has been replaced by a door. Outside stairs have been added to the second floor.

A real photo postcard of the Winnipesaukee Inn