

Weirs Beach Water Temperature

Below are the Weirs Beach Water Temperature charts during the summer and fall of 2019. While water temperature can vary somewhat from season to season, these charts give a good insight into what to expect

The charts start at the summer solstice, when the water temperature has reached the mid-60°s, still uncomfortably chilly for most people. By the July 4th holiday, temperatures have reached the lower 70°s, still on the cool side for swimming, but tolerable. By mid-July, water temperatures reach the middle 70°s, now comfortable for most people. The water reaches its peak temperature just short of 80° near the 1st of August. Temperatures then begin a gradual decline, to the low 70°s by the end of August, and below 70° on September 7. Temperatures stabilize in the upper 60°s until the end of September, then plunge rapidly from that point, cooling to the upper 50s by mid-October. By November 1st, temperatures are in the lower 50°s.